Protocol for action on the prevention of drug dependency and addiction


Health, conceived as a state of integral well-being, is a basic right of all people. Its defence and maintenance is priority and necessary.

That is why, at GRUPO MARTINEZ BIERZO, we consider drug dependence and addiction as a common disease, in whose origin there can be a strong social component, in addition to biological and economic aspects.

Addictions with and without substances should always be seen as a health issue and they should be addressed from that perspective. The therapeutic treatment in these cases must be based on the trust of the parties involved in the process, so in no case can taking advantage of such treatment entail an impairment of the general rights of the worker, or a detriment to the maintenance of the job.

There is not always a direct causality between risk factors and addictions with and without substances, but in any case, we understand that the sum of risk factors can awaken vulnerability in people with respect to these addictions and can generate a favorable predisposition to them.

We believe that there is a link between working conditions and addictions with and without substances, and that this relationship lies in harmful environmental conditions (extreme temperatures, outdoor work, high noise levels), inadequate work organisation (job insecurity, night work, excessive working hours, repetitive tasks or tasks that exceed the worker’s capacity, negative relationships, etc.), together with the individual, family and social characteristics of the worker, can be the cause of health problems – physical, mental and social – and lead to the use of substances and non-substance addictions as a mitigating factor for the effects of poor working conditions.

The workplace is therefore an important factor in drug dependence and addiction. It is a causative factor, not the only one, but also, and the most important thing, it is also a protective factor against addictions.
For this reason, it is possible and necessary to design prevention, assistance and rehabilitation strategies in the workplace.

Thus, the MARTINEZ BIERZO GROUP assumes its role as a protective agent of addictions, and is committed to preventing and treating the problems associated with the dependence of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and other drugs such as cocaine, cannabis or synthetic drugs as well as those addictions without substances, such as gambling, work, etc. new technologies, etc.

If we prevent and solve the problems derived from the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other addictions with and without substances, we will minimize the effects that addictions have on everyone and we will improve the productivity of our company. The implementation of Prevention, Assistance and Rehabilitation actions on drug dependence and addictions in the company has positive effects, among them, the improvement of the work environment. A reduction in absenteeism and poor work performance, a reduction in illness leaves periods, conflict levels, etc.

Therefore, the MARTINEZ BIERZO GROUP must promote preventive actions such as:

1)  The study and analysis of working conditions that may involve health risks and enhance addictions with and without substances. Considering the impact of conditions relating to the working environment; outdoor jobs, temperature, environmental pollution, noise and vibration, etc. As well as the conditions related to the organization of work and its psychosocial risks; the organisation of working time, the content and meaning of the task, the relationships that exist in the company, the HR policies, the organisational climate and the adequacy of family and social life, as well as the remuneration systems, production rhythms, chain work, piecework, mobility and frequent travel, availability, job insecurity, management style, career advancement, etc.

2)  The development of information, training and awareness-raising actions within the framework of health education, which favours the acquisition of healthy behaviours.

3)  Assistance and Reintegration actions, aimed at supporting workers with problems associated with substance and non-substance addictions.

4)  To consider that the concept of prevention of drug dependencies and addictions, by referring to the set of actions aimed at eliminating, reducing or mitigating the effects associated with these addictions. It also includes, as possible:

  • Reducing the demand for and consumption of drugs, through information and awareness-raising actions.
  • Limitation or reduction of the supply of consumption through compliance with the regulations governing the sale and consumption of tobacco and alcohol in companies.
  • Reducing the risks associated with drug use. Promote responsible substance use.
  • Limitation or reduction of the time spent using new technologies, such as mobile devices, tablets, email, etc.


1)  The management of the company and the trade unions jointly summarise that drug dependence and addiction:

  • They can lead to dependence. psychophysical, social and economic.
  • They can be treated satisfactorily if appropriate measures are taken.
  • They can affect anyone.
  • They can decrease the ability to work.
  • They can establish tensions in both social and work relationships.
  • They can cause occupational hazards for both the individual and their environment.

2)  The programme is aimed at reducing the risks derived from addictions with and without substances, to indicate to the Prevention Delegates those working conditions that may have an impact on these addictions, to promote healthy lifestyle patterns and habits and, above all, to improve the health of all members of the company.

3)  The management staff, together with the Work Committee, must ensure compliance with this health promotion policy through the application of the action procedures that are established. And in doing so, they take into account the legal framework contemplated in ILO Convention 155 and in Law 4/1997 of 9 July on Prevention and Assistance in Drug Matters.

4)It is the obligation of all workers and managers to follow the joint policy and procedures of the Management and the Works Commitee/Trade Union representatives, to prevent substance and non-substance addictions in the workplace.

5)  All workers who have a problem related to the use of alcohol, other drugs and non-substance addictions may seek counselling and in doing so:

  • They do so in defence of their employment, not posing a risk of losing their job, or of any of their acquired rights.
  • They are entitled to the same respectful and confidential treatment as other workers with other health problems.
  • All workers, in their reintegration process, will be guaranteed the maintenance of the job, the adaptation of the working sifts, the flexibility of the schedule and the adaptation of the functions of the job to the needs detected in each of the stages of their recovery process.

6)  The necessary measures will be established to raise awareness among those workers who, having addictions with and/or without substances, have not become aware of their problem.

7)  This policy applies to all levels of the company – managers, middle managers and workers. No worker may be forced to participate in the Programme/Protocol. All participation will be voluntary and at the request of the worker.

8)  The Technical Commission or the working group will establish the procedures for action of the program and will review and evaluate it on an ongoing basis. The participation of all workers will be promoted.

Campaign Philosophy

1)  The campaign is not an exercise in disciplinary control by the company.

2)  It is agreed by the management of the company and the trade union representatives – or persons designated for this purpose.

3)  It is part of the company’s occupational health policy on drug dependency and addiction.

4)It is confidential, in accordance with Article 22 of the Labor Risks Prevention Law. No person involved in the processing must disclose the worker’s data without the express written consent of the worker. Medical data may only be used for strictly therapeutic purposes.

5)  It is a comprehensive program, focused on the physical and mental health of all workers linked to internal and external services of the company, treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration. It is structured through different programs through which prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration will be addressed.

6)  The staff that participates is properly trained and has proven professional experience.

7)  It’s free. The costs derived from the implementation and operation of the Protocol will be borne by the company and will never fall on the worker.

8)  The program is flexible and the treatment is individualized.


This policy focuses on issues related to substance and non-substance addictions that may be detrimental to performance, workplace attendance, behavior, discipline, and occupational safety and health.

The Programme is intended to:

  1. Guarantee your own safety and that of others.
  2. Reduce the risks of substance abuse.
  3. Indicate those working conditions that may have an impact on addictions with and without substances.
  4. Promote healthy lifestyle patterns and habits.
  5. Help establish guidelines for responsible consumption and use.
  6. Improve the health of the company’s workers.
  7. Vocational rehabilitation is an opportunity for rehabilitated persons to:
  8. Establish or reset your work habits.
  9. Improve their physical and social well-being.
  10. Regain self-confidence.
  11. Improve social and family conditions.

Individualized Treatment

Treatment will be individualized at all times.

It must be considered that every reintegration process has several stages, each of them aimed at facilitating the integration of the person with addiction problems with and without substance in social life. Detoxification is the phase in which, overcoming the consequences and symptoms of the withdrawal syndrome, implies that in some cases, hospitalization is necessary. Cessation is another stage aimed at facilitating non-consumption, use and, on the other hand, the reconstruction of the worker’s personal and social life. This stage is not incompatible with work activity, and the last stage, rehabilitation (which is the overcoming of the process of crisis or social isolation) is not incompatible with work activity either.

Treatment and rehabilitation should be carried out based on medical diagnosis and recommendations, as well as with the consent of the worker and the support of his/her family members.

The company is committed to:

a) Workers who are unable to combine treatment with work will be subject to a leave for the causes derived from dependency that are recognised as a common disease.

b) Professional support to affected workers in the search for external resources for assistance and treatment and confidential medical consultation. Referral adjusted to the needs of the case and monitoring of the process.

c) The maintenance of the job and the acquired rights of the workers who join the programme.

d) Authorize absences necessary to attend external treatment or convalescence services.

e) Help with treatment expenses or support for families during treatment or convalescence.

f) Change or temporary adaptation of the functions of the job, which must be free of risk of addiction in each of the phases of the worker’s reintegration process until the worker’s complete recovery.

g) Agree with workers, families and union delegates to pay the salaries directly to the family or in a bank account in another name.

Basic Lines of action

The Plan consists of three action programmes: Prevention, Assistance and Reintegration or Incorporation into the Workplace.


1) The Health and Safety Committees/Prevention Delegates will be informed of the working conditions that may predispose to addictions with and without substances, so that they, with the powers granted to them by the Labor risk Prevention Law, can take the necessary actions to improve working conditions.

2) Measures will be introduced to improve individual and collective self-control through the following activities:

  • Informative, aimed at all the company’s staff and aimed at providing information on addictions, their effects and consequences, as well as the implementation of the prevention and rehabilitation plan, etc.
  • Training, which favours the training of health professionals and mediators (trade union representatives), as well as middle management and managers.
  • Awareness-raising, aimed at all the company’s workers, with the aim of promoting the acceptance of the Protocol and the standardisation of the treatment of drug dependence and addictions in the company.
  • Participatory, aimed at:

3) Promote the dissemination of the Prevention and Rehabilitation Protocol to all workers and encourage the participation of all workers in its development.

4) To know the impact -the opinion- on the workers of certain measures previously adopted by consensus in the company for the development of the Prevention Protocol.


It will provide people with information, advice and guidance towards appropriate treatment for their health problem. The stages contained in this line of action are:

  • Channeling of demands.
  • Evaluation of performance demands.
  • Information and advice.
  • Treatment offer.
  • Referral to appropriate social resources.
  • Follow-up of the evolution of the treatment.
  • Planning for the reintegration into the labour market of the registration process.
  • The period of sick leave will be considered as a temporary disability, derived from a common illness.


In order to carry out the Reintegration program, the following aspects must be considered:

  • The worker’s return to work (registration process).
  • Adapt his/her schedule and working shift so that he/she can attend treatment.
  • Change of job with risks of addiction with and without substance, with the consent and participation of the worker and with the commitment to be temporary until recovery.
  • Change to working conditions that do not involve the risk of addiction or to encourage abstinence in workers in the process of insertion.
  • Agreement with workers, families and union delegates to pay the salaries directly to the family or in a bank account in another name.
  • Establishment of training and professional requalification measures for those workers who need it.
  • Financial support (advances, social action funds, etc.), to participate in treatments (if necessary).

Martinez Bierzo Management

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